
  • About
  • Company Overview

Company Overview

Evidence-based healthcare contents R&D company

Dr. Exsol, Inc. is a start-up company approved by Seoul National University and develops customized healthcare contents
based on scientific*evidence through a variety of clinical and non-clinical R&Ds.
*Digital healthcare contents were developed through data in muscle health research conducted by Texas State University Institute
for Aging and longevity and Seoul National University for past 20 years.


Muscle Health and
Health Aging Orientation

By producing eye-based healthcare solution contents published in a number of SCI-level journals aiming to muscle health, which is the core of health aging restricted by aging, we focus on the four major diseases and muscle health to contribute to realizing healthy active aging for a number of people in Korea entering the age of 100.

  • Point 1

    Extended Health Life

    Providing muscle health contents via scientific clinical verification

  • Point 2

    Focusing on four major diseases

    The need for muscle health contents based on nutrition and exercise without a "cure" for the four major diseases rose

  • Point 3

    for Seniors

    It is expected to improve health span expectancy by reducing medical expenses and improving the quality of life for middle and old people.

Big Data

  • Based on Big Data, we produce and distribute healthcare convergence contents including four major diseases.
  • Securing the number of users via supply and platform services to content demand healthcare platforms.
  • We can provide analytics and customized exercise and prevention programs using accumulated healthcare Big Data.
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    Building core health and aging healthcare contents.

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    Collaborative relationship with healthcare companies

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    data infrastructure off-line regional hub center based on AI