The Thesis
Dr. Exsol is based on outstanding research skills that have been solidly accumulated over a long time by the management team.
- Number
- Name of Thesis
- Name of Academic Journal
- Date of Publication
- 21
- The effects of elastic band exercises and nutritional education on frailty, strength, and nutritional intake in elderly women
- Phys Act Nutr
- 2020.01
- 20
- Exercise, Gut mircrobiome, and Fraility
- Ann Geriatr Med Res
- 2019.01
- 19
- Chinese herbal medicines on cognitive function and activity of daily living in senior adults with Alzheimer’s disease: a systemic review and meta-analysis
- Integ Med Res
- 2019.01
- 18
- Plasma apelin levels in overweight/obese adults following a single bout of exhaustive exercise: A preliminary cross-sectional study
- Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr
- 2019.01
- 17
- “Trpm2 Ablation Accelerates Protein Aggregation by Impaired ADPR and Autophagic Clearance in the Brain
- Molecular Neurobiology
- 2019.01
- 16
- “Biomimetic Thermal-sensitive Multi-transform Actuator
- Scientific Reports
- 2019.01
- 15
- “Carbon Nanotube Yarn for Fiber-Shaped Electrical Sensors
- Advanced Materials
- 2019.01
- 14
- “Self-Powered Coiled Carbon-Nanotube Yarn Sensor for Gastric Electronics
- ACS Sensors
- 2019.01
- 13
- Protein intake recommendation for Korean older adults to prevent sarcopenia: expert consensus by the Korean Geriatric Society and the Korean Nutrition Society
- Ann Geriatr Med Res
- 2018.01
- 12
- The Effects of Mind-Body Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Int J Environ Res Public Health
- 2018.01