The Thesis
Dr. Exsol is based on outstanding research skills that have been solidly accumulated over a long time by the management team.
- Number
- Name of Thesis
- Name of Academic Journal
- Date of Publication
- 31
- “Surface engineering of 3D-printed scaffolds with minerals and a pro-angiogenic factor for vascularized bone regeneration”
- ACTA Biomaterialia
- 2021.01
- 30
- 일리이트 온수매트 사용이 고강도 운동으로 유발된 성인의 젖산, CRP, ACR에 미치는 영향
- 대한통합의학회지
- 2020.12
- 29
- 복합 해양치유 프로그램이 근골격계 및 대사성 질환자의 대사증후군 위험인자 및 CRP에 미치는 영향
- 대한통합의학회지
- 2020.03
- 28
- Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Training Reduces Circulating Apolipoprotein J Levels and Improves Insulin Resistance in Postmenopausal Diabetic Women
- Diabetes and Metabolism Journal
- 2020.02
- 27
- The effect of Qigong-based therapy on patients with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Clin Rehabil
- 2020.01
- 26
- Cognitive benefits of activity engagement among 12,093 adults aged over 65 years
- Brain Sciences
- 2020.01
- 25
- Cognitive benefits of activity engagement among 12,093 adults aged over 65 years
- Brain Sciences
- 2020.01
- 24
- Strength and balance training for preventing falls in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy: case report
- Exercise Science
- 2020.01
- 23
- Effects of high-speed power training on neuromuscular and gait functions in frail elderly with mild cognitive impairment despite blunted executive functions: a randomized controlled trial
- J Frailty Aging
- 2020.01
- 22
- The effect of fermented porcine placental extract on fatigue-related parameters in healthy adults: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
- Nutrients
- 2020.01